Saturday, October 13, 2007

Turn Baby Turn

Went to the gynae after work yesterday. Am hoping that I wouldn't gain too much weight and at the same time that the baby is in the right position. Upon arrival, I did the usual thing of measuring my weight and hoping for the best. To my pleasant surprise, I only gained 100g after 2 weeks! YIPPPPEEE!! That means my gynae won't nag too much at me. However, after knowing that I've only gained 100g, I start to worry about baby. Whether she's put on weight. What a dilemma!

Waited for my turn and started to think about how long the wait will be. The usual wait is about 2 hours and looking at the little people around me, I'm hoping that today's wait will be shorter. After what seems like half an hour, I see only about 3 couples around me and I feel pretty happy about it cos I think I really don't have to wait that long today. :)

Just when I was feeling pretty happy about the whole situation, the nurse came out of the doctor's office and started calling out names of the other preggies around me and said, "Doctor Tan delivery." I wanted to kill myself there and then.

So I decided to stop waiting and went to find food. Who knows how long the delivery will take. And this is the second time that I've to wait for a delivery to take place before my turn.

Long story short, my turn finally came and as usual I was only in there for about 10 minutes. Baby is now upside down but not engaged yet. Which is good news cos the doctor wouldn't have to manually turn the baby. I jokingly told the doctor that I thought I can see her perform the 'rotation magic' and that got an evil stare from my hubby. Haha! She's also gaining weight and is now 2.3kg. 400g more from the previous visit. Which means, I've lost weight! Hee! After doing some calculation, I realised that she's gaining 200g per week and I've about 7 weeks to go. So at the rate she's growing, she'll be 3.7kg upon delivery!!!!! That's a pretty big baby. My SIL called me after the visit and I told her bout it and she told me that the baby's growth rate will become stagnant after a certain stage and only then I felt more relieved. I don't want my baby girl to be born fat and hate me for life! Haha!

Visited IKEA after the check up. Needed to buy a cupboard for baby, a bookshelf and a tv cabinet for the room. The TV cabinet is meant for hubby's aunt when she comes over to take care of the baby. We decided to put a TV in the room for her so that she can watch TV at night. So I was telling hubby that baby is a lucky baby. She already has a TV in her room before she is born. I needed to wait till I was in my teens before having a TV in my room.

Today hubby and I decided to start shifting the stuff in baby's room to make it neater. We wallpapered a portion of the room and shifted the furniture around. Now the baby's room is more like a baby room and all we needed is more decorations and pinkish stuff. I'm tasked with purchasing the pinkish stuff and I enlisted my sister's help for this. I think she's better with all this decorations.

I'm filled with anticipation for baby's arrival! Yesterday during the ultrasound scan, baby's hand was on her chin. I think she's starting to wonder what life will be like when she arrives in this world. I wonder about that all the time.

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