Sunday, October 7, 2007

Overly Excited Parents

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. I'm supposed to start doing some marking of the exam papers but I ended up sitting in front of the computer surfing the Internet for catering services.

Hubby and I are starting to discuss the venue and menu for our baby's first month celebration. Haha! I do realise we're being overly excited but that's definitely more interesting than marking crosses on foolscap papers.

We drew up the guest list and it came up to about 150 people. Then we started wondering about how are we going to fit everyone into our flat. Maybe we'll stagger the timings. Maybe we'll cut down on the number of people we're inviting. Maybe not all of them will come. But whatever it is, maybe we shouldn't hold it at home. Then where is baby going to sleep? Decisions, decisions, decisions. I wish I live in a mansion. Then I can set up a marquee for the reception and then baby will be at home as well.

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