Tuesday, October 2, 2007


After publishing the previous post, I walked out of the staff room towards the washroom. That's when a familiar smell hit me. It's the 'secondary school pupil' smell. Then some random thoughts came to my mind.

Have you ever realised that people of different age group often gives off different smell?

Babies always have that very nice 'baby smell' that they seemed to be born with. Maybe it's the smell of the amiotic fluid in the mother's womb? Somehow, babies just smell good all the time. Apart from the time they regurgitate milk, wee wee or poo poo.

Then when they reach kindergarten or primary school. They adopt another smell. It's the 'primary school kids' smell. That kind of smelly yet child-like smell. No matter which primary school or kindergarten you visit, you always get that same smell when a few dozens of kids get together.

Then of course, when they reach secondary school, they get another type of smell. It's difficult to describe but it's kinda musky. Maybe it's the smell that indicates that they're growing out of the child phase and into adulthood. It's not unbearable but just a faint musky smell. Of course, some secondary school kids grow up very fast and have gotten into the bad odour phase.

Then it's adulthood and most adults just smell like adults. Usually peppered with perfume or some other type of fragrance that they've applied on themselves. They hardly stink unless they got themselves engaged in some sports or fight?

Soon it's the middle aged and then old age. Old people also have a kind of smell that only old people will have. It's not easy to describe either. You gotta smell them to know what the smell is like.

So ya, another random meaningless post to while away my time in school when I have more important things to deal with! ARGH!!!

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