The cupboard we purchased for baby arrived today. I'll be packing her stuff into the cupboard later. The cupboard is actually a full size adult cupboard with 3 doors. Bought such a big one so that I can put my clothes in it as well. Haha! Her room still doesn't very much look like a baby's room cos of the lack of decorations so I'm thinking I better do some shopping this weekend to doll up her little room.
Last night, baby gave me such a sleepless night. I think it's due to the lack of space in my womb that resulted in her movements being amplified. Every single way that I turn or sleep just doesn't seem comfortable for her. She'll be ribbing her way through the walls of my abdomen and always seem to be stretching or pounding away. I'll be woken up every 1 to 2 hours, or maybe even less, just cos she made me feel so uncomfortable. Or is it the other way round? Either way, it seems that tonight I've to do some negotiation with her so that both of us can sleep peacefully.
Thought she'll be quiet today after the lack of sleep last night, turned out that she's still quite active today. She's still moving and kicking her way around. I hope she's not a nocturnal baby. Otherwise, that'll spell trouble for me when she's born. Need to read up more on correcting her sleeping patterns. The book on baby sleep that Auntie M has lent to me is still in the stack of baby books that have not been read. Hee!
Last night I was reading on a part on the symptons of an impending delivery. I realised that I've quite a few symptons there. The first one being swollen limbs. Of cos my pig legs and sausage fingers say it all. The other one is that you'll start having diarrhoea. That's cos of some hormone being produced called prolactin. And that's precisely what is happening to me. I call my baby 'ps girl'. Go figure what's ps. My bowel movements had increased tremendously these few days. Some days I go up to three times a day. Ok so it's not that tremendous but if a normal human being only does it once a day, three times a day is three times the normal human being! Then it wrote that you'll feel contraction pain. Last night I don't know whether what I felt was contraction pain but I felt this momentarily pain at the bottom of my abdomen. Then again, it could be ps girl up to her tricks again.
Oh, today I received a gift from my colleague. Let's call her Auntie G. She came up to me and gave me a pleasant surprise by telling me that she's got a gift for me and she hopes I like it. I can't resist the temptation and opened it up straight away. It's a lovely baby book. It's kinda like a journal which I can write down every single thing about the baby. From baby's first footprints to her first lock of baby hair, to her family tree to her first birthday. I love it. I think it'll serve as a real momento for her and it will let her know how precious she is to us.
Oh here's a picture of the wallpaper that's around part of her room.
Alright, shall go pack up her cupboard now. She seemed excited about the thought cos she's rumbling about again.
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