Monday, September 3, 2007

Saving starfishes

Went back to school this morning for my supplementary lesson. It feels different knowing that you'll only be there for 2 hours instead of the usual 12 hours. Although I didn't stay only for 2 hours, it still feels different just knowing that it's the holidays.

Exam papers not set, stacks of papers and books not marked, lessons not planned and the list goes on. However, not having to wake up at 6am is happiness. So lesson ended earlier than I expected. Maybe my kids are feeling the same way as I am. Happy and so they learn faster?

As I'm finishing some work in the office, my colleague called out to me excitedly from across the staff room. I walked towards her cubicle and she showed me a malay article that is on the Internet. I've no idea what was written except for the few words like 'saya', 'anda' and 'cikgu'. So she told me that the article translated to mean that I've changed a pupil's perspective towards mathematics. I was touched and for that moment, I realised the power of teaching.

This girl that wrote the passage is always very quiet in class. She seldom asks and sometimes, I wonder at the back of my mind whether she understood my lessons. I reckon she's just a very quiet girl. But underneath this very quiet exterior, I've touched a bit of her life. It's just amazing to know how my efforts have managed to change a bit of her. It somehow makes my walking into class more meaningful knowing that at least one pupil in the class has enjoyed my lessons.

There are ups and downs in teaching. I always tell myself that it is the same for every job. Except that teaching really touches lives. I rely on the happy moments each time I feel like giving up. The journey is never easy and lots of time and sacrifices are made. When we reap the fruits of our labour, that's when it's all worthwhile.

Today, I was just discussing with another colleague of mine about how time flies. In a blink of an eye, I've taught for almost 4.5 years. My very first batch of pupils have graduated and moved on to their tertiary education. Seeing them all grown up and coming back to school on Teachers' Day makes me feel old sometimes. However, I am still glad that they remembered me. Memories are important. They keep me going. It makes me feel that I'm not wasting my time in school and actually responsible for a part of my pupils' lives.

So below is the article that is online.

Cikgu ,

Anda telah mengubah pemikiran saya terhadap pelajaran Matematik. Dahulu, saya amat membenci subjek ini sehinggakan saya tidak suka ke kelas anda dan menghabiskan tugasan yang diberi.

Namun, dari masa ke masa, saya mula menyukai pelajaran itu dan saya rasa Matematik tidak lagi susah.

Kini, markah peperiksaan saya untuk subjek Matematik mula meningkat sejak anda mengajar saya. Saya amat gemar ke kelas anda kerana anda bukan saja menggunakan buku rampaian dan latihan malah banyak memanfaatkan cara lain seperti kuiz dan kerja kumpulan.

Saya juga amat bersyukur kerana mendapat guru Matematik seperti anda yang telah banyak mengubah hidup saya. Saya percaya Matematik amat penting untuk masa depan saya.

Cikgu, anda berjaya mengubah perspektif pelajar seperti saya tentang Matematik.

Terima kasih Cikgu dan Selamat Hari Guru.

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