Saturday, March 29, 2008

I hate stupid people

Today has been a really looong day for me cos I've been out the whole day since about 11am this morning.
All due to some construction, right outside my door!
The noise is just irritating every single cell in my body and not to mention that it's potentially harmful to the hearing of my little girl.
So we packed our evacuation bag and left home to Botanic Gardens. Again. Hee!

Right after we reached Botanic Gardens, I felt that it was a wrong choice cos it was almost noon and the sun was blazing hot.
Of course, I didn't air that view cos I was the one who suggested that we go ahead with the plan of visiting Botanic Gardens.
So it wasn't long before I decided that we should leave the place and head for greener pastures. Or rather, colder pastures.
Where else to enjoy free air-con but the shopping malls? Haha!
So aunty you say! But don't you do it as well? It's just that I dare to admit it but you don't! Loser. :p

Another reason why we needed to reach the shopping mall soon was cos Raine has pooped and soiled her little panty!
Talking about panties, did I mention that Raine is totally unsuitable to wear dresses?
While we were strolling her around Botanic Gardens, her legs were propped up in the pram and she was constantly tugging and pulling on her dress.
And she looks totally comfortable while doing that.
I think she enjoys it. Sigh!

Anyway, the whole day was spent in town after we cleaned her up.
She didn't really sleep a lot today cos she was so busy being fascinated by all the sights around her.
And she only managed to fall asleep for about half an hour or so.
The only form of shopping that I managed to do today was to stock up on my beauty products.

I think I seriously need them cos my dark circles are spreading just like ripples in the water and they're as dark as the night sky!
My skin has been really bad eversince I was pregnant.
And I thought it'll get better after giving birth to Raine but it didn't.
My life is sooooooo sad!

Needless to say, the lack of sleep equates to a cranky Raine.
During dinner today, she was totally frustrated and fussy.
My heart bleeds just seeing her that way.
Just don't feel like elaborating further what else happened during dinner.
I hate blogging about unpleasant stuff.

Upon reaching home, it was like a rush against time.
I plonked her into her bath tub, rinsed her and then fed her.
She didn't finish her feed cos she was just too sleepy to continue drinking.
Poor baby! She was crying till she almost went hoarse.
Luckily she fell asleep very soon and now, I'm just waiting to give her her last feed.

Why do people have no common sense sometimes?
I just don't understand.

Anyway, I'm posting again tonight cos I feel guilty for my million of fans out there who are checking out my blog everyday.
It sucks to read the same posts again and again right?
But seriously, it's not about the quantity but quality right?

Luckily, I have both lately. Hahahahha!

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