Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Tonnes of work waiting for me both at home and at school. I'm halfway through my markings and I've decided to give myself a break. So I came online and tried logging into my blogger and to my surprise, I can't remember my userid and password.

I have never imagined that such things will actually happen to me. That's cos I always set the same password for all my whatever accounts and the same userid for all my whatever accounts. However, ever since I started working, the number of passwords have increased and it is made worse by the fact that I've to change the password every quarterly. With so many accounts and so many passwords, the day when I finally forget my password and userid finally happened! However, in the end, I finally managed to get it right and that's why I'm here posting.

To think that tomorrow is Monday is such a sad thought. The short one week holiday has finally came to an end. With all the setting of exam papers, markings and workshops, this holiday is hardly a holiday for me.

Sometimes, it irks me to hear others saying how easy life is for a teacher. To the ignorant public, we're always ending our work at around 2pm and we've long holidays. We don't work on Saturdays and Sundays and we are only dealing with kids after all. Oh, how I wish I can go on TV and make a public announcement that this is hardly the case. Let's take me for example, I wake up at unearthly time of 6 am and without breakfast, I go off to work. The moment I reach school, I take a deep breath and start my day. On a good day, I'll still be able to grab some breakfast and on some other days, I just go hungry with only coffee fueling my body. I'll have to stay in school almost everyday till 6.30pm. When I reach home, I rest for a while and start working on whatever work that I've brought home and only go to bed at around 12 midnight. The next day, it begins all over again. Saturdays and Sundays are used to complete whatever markings that is left unmarked. The work is just endless.

So what bout the holiday you say. Oh well, let's see. March and September holidays are spent setting exam papers and June holidays are spent preparing for term 2. First part of the December holidays are spent preparing for the next year and maybe we do have about 3 weeks of real holidays left. So there, poor teachers like us work for almost 16 hours a day, including Saturdays and Sundays.

If you think that it's easy being a teacher, think again.

But of course, whatever comes along with the work is the satisfaction of the job. It is always heartening to know that pupils under your charge are learning and growing up with sound morals and attitudes. My first batch of students have graduated and knowing that they're embarking on the next phase of their life just brings a smile to my face whenever I think about them. I see my current pupils working hard for their future and having that desire to learn just makes me feel that probably, all the hard work is worth it. There are good days and there are bad days. On a bad day, I tell myself that life is never a bed of roses and one day, I will just forget that this bad day has happened. It will pass and life will still go on.

The washing machine has just finished its run. Gotta go hang up the laundry. Did I mention that in between all the school work, there's housework to be done too? Maybe it's not tough being a teacher, it's just tough being a female teacher. =p

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