Monday, October 19, 2009

Lovely Monday

How lovely if every Monday is like today.
Basically, a Monday when there's no school and you can just eat and sleep as and when you like.
Then maybe there will be no such things as 'Monday blues' and there'll be 'Tuesday blues' instead.
And then people all over the world will like Mondays and hate Tuesdays just like how we know like Sundays and hate Mondays.
Actually it's irrelevant whether it's called Monday or Tuesday cos the only days that I like are called Holidays.
I don't really like weekends that much either.
Cos that eventually lead up to weekdays.
But on hindsight, so will holidays.
Oh whatever!

Anyway, I've noticed that I've not posted for a good almost half a year.
Everytime I think about posting, I think about what I want to write.
Then I realise that it's not really interesting and decide not to post.
Or sometimes, I think about the pictures that I have to upload and the long loading time, I decide not to post.
And so the procastination begins and I end up not doing anything.

Today, I was sifting through my documents and found this video.

This video was made during my last post attempt.
Which failed.
So I thought I should upload it now so as to compensate.
This video was taken during the last trip to Sentosa.
Which was in June.
But hey, it is still an update from the post made in May right?
Any forms of updating is always good.

So what have I been up to?
To be honest, this year passed so quickly that it scares me.
Am I developing wrinkles that I've not noticed?
Have I accumulated tonnes of white hair which is hidden under my hair dye?
Basically, am I growing so old so fast that I failed to catch every step of my own aging process?
Scary right?

Think about what you were up to last year this time.
Didn't it feel just like not too long ago that you did what you were doing?
I was planning my Japan trip and now, I'm reminiscing about my Japan trip while my colleagues talk about THEIR Japan trip.

I think I'll bring Raine overseas next year.
Since this year passed so quickly, then next year this time should come pretty fast too.
Raine can officially travel overseas next year.
You know, I think I've shared my story about Raine not being able to travel overseas to many people.
I can't really remember who I've shared with.
But it seems that almost everyone knows and will give the 'Oh-Raine-can-finally-travel-overseas-next-year' look whenever I mention about me bringing Raine overseas next year.
Please tag me if you've heard the story.
That will let me know who have read this post as well.

I think there are still some readers lurking out there anticipating my next post.
So here it is my loyal fans!
It's difficult when you are so popular!
*exaggerated exasperated look*

Raine is still the cheeky little girl that I've written about.
Except that now she's a little taller and heavier and have longer hair.
She's talking more and sometimes, I think like an adult.
She'll say things like 'the cat is very sad' when she walks past a cat.
Or she'll just pretend that she's a grown up and demands, 'don't help me!' when we try to be the loving pair of parents.

Her teacher in school loves her.
Teacher M has secretly told me that Raine is her favourite when everyone else is not around.
So I think that's something I'm really proud of.
She can now recite the phonics from A to Z and sing the whole song of 'Twinkle twinkle little star', 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' and her 'Good morning' and 'Special song' from school.
Sometimes when I see her so actively engaged in school, singing and dancing along, I feel like tearing.
It's true, I get that emotional at times.
Inside my heart, the overwhelming motherly instinct takes over my thoughts and I think 'Oh how much my baby has grown. How long will she continue to depend on me'.

Just this morning, I was surfing the Internet for pre-school for her.
Currently, the one that she's attending is a little too far for her to attend everyday.
So I'm hoping to look for one that is near my place.
But I either get the reply that the centre is full or it's closed.
Schools nowadays are so scarce.
Maybe I should just quit and open up my own pre-school.
I'm sure kids are easier to deal with as compared to the emo teenagers nowadays.

Talking about teenagers, my lovely 3E1 has failed to live up to their expectations this time round.
Anyone of you reading this right now, REPENT IMMEDIATELY!
But it's ok.
Being the friendly, kind, amiable, approachable, wonderfully nice teacher that I am, I shall forgive you.
Cos you still have ONE YEAR to make up for it all.
But the other set of teenagers, the 4Es!
You better not be blog hopping to another blog.
Cos your O-levels start NEXT WEEK!
Oh gosh, next week.....I wonder how many of them are prepared.
Don't let the mantra 'See you in 2010' come true.

So, the lovely Monday is coming to an end and tomorrow is Tuesday.
It's marking day tomorrow and at the same time a very big day for me.
It concerns my future and right now, I'm thinking I better go get ready for my big day.
No I'm not getting married again or giving birth again.
It's just a BIG day.

Wish me luck my ardent fans!
Meanwhile, I shall continue to read my story book.

Till the next time I feel like posting.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Reason for my disappearance

It's been way too long since I last blogged.
It was last year when that happened and one semester has passed.
So much had happened and I seriously don't know where to start.

The usual work stuff shall be skipped.

But I think having a lovely form class has made things good so far and their results have made me really proud of them.
Not to mention that they're lovely kids and these bumblebees really live up to their name.

The last time I blogged, Raine was still a wobbly little toddler.
Today, she's grown so much and I have missed out lots of updates.
Some photos to compensate.

A future Tiger Woods in the making

Raine in cheong sum with mandarin oranges during CNY

One of those trips to Botanical Gardens

A tyrant in the making

No, I didn't give birth secretly. That's cousin Tristan.

Raine in her favourite Mickey Mouse t-shirt with her first craft

So Raine is now a little terror who does not hesitate to show off her temper.
Her favourite is by far, throwing whatever is in her hand whenever she's upset.
She's already yakking away and her favourite sentence is, '______(fill in blank with whatever she wanna look for) where?'

I always look forward to weekends with her.
I have already started Raine on weekend enrichment lesson.
Yes, I am a kiasu parent.
I just want to give her the best and make sure that she won't lose out in this competitive society.
This worry grown in me when I met a fellow teacher at a workshop and he told me that kids nowadays are using words like 'demolish' in primary one.
Inside my mind, I'm thinking, 'Will Raine be able to use that word when she's in primary one?'
So that triggered me to decide to send her for class.
Moreover, I'm thinking of sending her to a childcare centre and I hope that by sending her for lessons, she'll understand what it means by attending school and realise that I'm not abandoning her when I send her to the childcare centre.

Raine enjoys her lessons and I guess she's most interested in project time.
That's the time when she'll really concentrate and listen to what the teacher is saying.
Learning phonics and listening to storybooks don't really seem to be her cup of tea.
She'll always end up walking to another corner of the classroom and asks me to 'sit here'.

However, I think she really enjoys interacting with her classmates.
And not to mention her teachers.
I'm happy whenever she's happy.

This cheeky little girl makes me really mad sometimes as well.
She has this habit of spitting out her porridge whenever there's something hard in it.
Guess she's just too lazy to bite.
And this only happens to porridge.
If I were to give her biscuits, she'll chew them away happily.
And sometimes to prove her point that porridge doesn't really interest her, she'll sip her water and let it drip out of her mouth!
Such a headache to feed her sometimes.

Nowadays bringing Raine out, apart from bringing her necessities, I've to arm myself with $1 coins as well.
What happened to those days when kiddy rides were just 20 cents?!
She'll always rush to her kiddy rides and scream 'up, up up' with arms outstretched.
If we don't, she'll cry.
And parents being parents, I'll always relent and carry her up.
Then the next thing she'll say is, 'money' and expect us to put in the money.
And as usual, if we don't, she'll whine.

Sometimes, I suspect that I'm spoiling her.
And that's the last thing I want to do.
Cos honestly, I do beat her.
This is especially so when she throws tantrums and hurl things across the room.
She has an exceptionally stubborn streak and will not cry even if I hit her hand till it's red.
She'll just stare at me and not cry.
At the most, she'll proceed to stare at her red hand before running away.
Sometimes, just to spite me, she'll even throw and run away before I can even hit her.
The only time when she'll burst into tears is when there're others around.
She'll cry and force her tears out while saying, 'mummy beat' and go on to mumble some stuff which no one can comprehend.

Watching Raine grow up is my utmost concern now.
Making sure that she's safe is my responsibility.
That's why Raine has to undergo 2 more jabs despite her long list of vaccinations.
Recently, due to the H1N1 outbreak, I brought her to take the seasonal flu jab.
Despite the fact that it'll not vaccine her against the H1N1, I wanted her to take it just to have some form of protection.

To be extra safe that she'll be safe, I postponed all thoughts of travelling this June.
Instead, I'll be bringing her to Sentosa for a short getaway.
Not much of going overseas but at least I get to stay in a hotel.
That is to make me feel better.
And plus I intend to bring her swimming.
The last time I brought her, she's only 6 months old.
She ended up with running nose and to ensure that she'll be alright this time round, I bought her a thermal swimming suit.
Hopefully, that'll keep the flu bug at bay.

Thinking of Raine always brings a smile to my face.
Although she's naughty at times, cuddling her to sleep always makes everything ok and worthwhile.